Thursday, January 11, 2007

WSJ Immigration Follies II

Saturday, December 23, 2006

While part of the WSJ's Not Very Swift editorial, I think it deserves its own special space because of the sheer size of the hypocrisy involved.

1) Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney seeks and is granted permission to have 30 state police officers serve as enforcers of federal immigration laws. He does so because he's eyeing a possible Presidential run and wants to ingratiate him with social conservative voters by siccing troopers on indocumentados.

2) WSJ claims that this Romney is "smart" but that "his political opportunism is leading him in foolish directions."

3) The Boston Globe reports that the governor's own lawn service was being maintained by illegal immigrants.

4) The WSJ offer the governor this bit of advice: "Perhaps a newly empowered state trooper parked outside the governor's front gate could prevent this unspeakable travesty from ever happening again."

Posted by USTaino at 8:00 PM

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