Saturday, January 6, 2007

Macaca: Top Politically Incorrect Word in '06

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Global Language Monitor of San Diego, California has just listed 'Macaca' as the year's most politically incorrect word in 2006.

Readers here know that the defeat of U.S. Senator George Allen was in no some measure due to his racist and anti-immigrant comments. Allen's use of 'Macaca' in calling out an American of East Indian heritage exposed a bigotry which most Virginians found unacceptable.

I viewed the voters’ judgment in that race as critical towards furthering Virginia's acceptance of its own diversity.

In choosing this year's top word, Global Language Monitor had this to say:
Macaca [m]ight have changed the political balance of the US Senate, since George Allen’s (R-VA) utterance (which is an offensive slang term for Indians of the Sub-continent in the West Indies) surely has impacted his election bid.

I agree. If not for bigotry, the GOP may have held onto the U.S. Senate, and Allen may now be the front-runner for the '08 GOP presidential nomination.

The lesson here is simple: True 21st Century leaders are not bigots. While low-brow politicians still practice "bigotry-driven" politics in too many precincts, a majority of Americans, whom are good and decent people, have no love for fear-mongers and racists, including those with national ambitions.

Other words and phrases making the list include Global Warming Denier, Herstory and Flip Chart.

Global Language Monitor analyzes and tracks trends in language the world over, with a particular emphasis upon Global English.

Posted by USTaino at 9:35 AM

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