Saturday, January 6, 2007

Obama Rises: Is A New America Close Behind?

December 24, 2006

Today's Concord Monitor unveiled a poll showing that Senator Obama has leaped into a tie with Senator Clinton. He was 23 point behind just prior to his brief but rousing visit to New Hampshire 2 weeks ago.

The poll also shows Obama besting John McCain and Rudy Giuliani in head-to-head match-ups.

This development has to be shocking news to the Clinton camp. Her camp has delayed announcing what most believe is her inevitable run for the presidency.

Senator Clinton's success is premised on the idea that she's invincible and the inevitable heir apparent. The strategy requires that she blow-away her competition--especially in the early and critical primaries. Most critical of all for Hillary is New Hampshire because it’s early and it's in her backyard.

However, a victory or a close 2nd by a "novice" from the Midwest will send Hillary's candidacy into a tailspin and propel Senator Obama to the nomination.

Sage Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak yesterday wrote that indeed Senator Obama is set to run. Wife Michelle Obama's concerns for her husband's safety will not deter the The Dream's presidential bid.

Earlier, Novak reported that a John McLaughin poll showed slacking support for Senator Clinton and skyrocketing support for Senator Obama. Novak also wrote:
Obama advisers were surprised how much the prospect of his campaign has shaken front-running Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. For the first time, she has asserted that she would have voted against going to war in Iraq if she knew then what she knows now.

A brilliant symbol of the New America yet to come, Senator Obama's candidacy is rising on the hopes of decent Americans everywhere for a smarter, diverse, compassionate and prosperous America. Go, Obama, Go!

Posted by USTaino at 11:22 AM

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